Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Good Job is Not the Same as a Good Career

Whether or not you're happy with your current gig may have a lot to do with whether you view it as just a job or as a career.  That is because the qualifying components for good careers are wildly different than for good jobs.

I once spent months in a position where I could think of nothing but getting out and where my discomfort with the position actually manifested itself into physical pain.   The cause of my intense dissatisfaction, I now realize, was that I viewed the gig not just as a job, but as part of a career I thought I was building (obviously, not the right career). 

But the identifying characteristics of a good career are wildly different than for a good job.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Professionals who are unchained . . . from the desk

For years, I have had a desk job.  Had I thought about it, I would have realized that I would prefer not to be sitting down 8, 10, or 12 or more hours of the day.   It must have been that I just figured most "good" jobs were desk jobs and that, statistically, I would wind up among the sitting.

I settled into my early professional life as a desk jockey without much resistance. Then, I started noticing all the professionals who work not only with their minds but with their entire bodies. Oh, the luxury to move!

For those of you who are just starting out in your careers, are looking for a change, or who simply daydream about an occupation where your tailbone doesn't ache from the sitting, after the jump is a list of jobs to get you out from behind a desk.